Nine Weeks
The Resilient Upper Body Program is divided into three, three week Phases; Foundation, Build & Resilient.

Video Tutorials
All exercises in the Resilient Upper Body Program are linked to unlisted narrated Youtube videos.

PDF Download
Our program is a PDF E-book that can be printed out or used virtually on most devices and computers.

Community Support
Join the Resilient Body Facebook Community Group to share your progress, connect and get support.
Let Us Tell You About The Resilient Upper Body Program
This program is a starting point for anyone looking to build a foundation of mobility and strength in the upper body.
This is also for those who are looking to increase versatility in their training routines. The Resilient Body Framework uses breathing mechanics, dynamic movement and gait mechanics (i.e., the three phases of walking) to challenge the body in new ways.
We put this Resilient Upper Body Program together to offer clients, trainer and therapist with a programming resource to help them reinforce movement limitations, restore mobility and build a RESILIENT BODY.

What You'll Get
- A 9-week Resilient Upper Body Training Program PDF
- A one-time fee of $87 USD gives you lifetime access to the program
- Will instantly gain access to download the PDF E-Book
- Access to over 70+ of Alex Effer's favourite Upper Body mobility and resistance exercises
- Opportunity to join the Resilient Body Facebook Community Group
- Access to Unlisted Youtube bank of Resilient Upper Body videos
- Tested and proven warm-up exercises
- Video breakdowns of how to use the program

Why We Created This Program
Over the 10+ years that I've worked in the training and rehabilitation industry, I found that there have been common limitations in how people move, spanning from professional athletes, to the general population and to the weekend warrior.
By identifying these common patterns, we are able to create exercises or programs to help restore the mechanics of the body to ensure resilience to injury and performance limitations.
The methodology used to create this program is one that has been formed by working over 10 years in the training and rehabilitation industry with professional and semi-professional athletes, pre and post-operative clients, clients who experience persistent pain, and general population.
These exercises that I am sharing with you throughout my Resilient Body program will help you and your clients restore range of motion and build a robust foundation that allows you to be an adaptable and durable structure on top of a stable base.

Have you tried the Cross Connect Press?
Here is an example of the narrated videos that accompany each exercise in the Resilient Upper Body Program. You will find the "Cross Connect" in Phase 1 of our 9-week program.
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This Program is Designed To Improve The Strength and Mobility of:
+ Shoulders
+ Serratus anterior
+ Rhomboids
+ Lower traps
+ Diaphragm integration
+ Rib cage
+ Cervical Spine
+ Thoracic Spine
+ Rotator Cuff
+ Anterior Deltoid
+ Medial Deltoid
+ Rear Deltoid
+ Lats
+ Pecs
+ Upper Traps
+ Biceps
+ Triceps
+ Core (Obliques)
+ Scapular Movement

Interested in trying both of the Resilient Body Programs?
Introducing the Resilient Body Bundle! This includes both the Resilient Upper Body Program and the Resilient Lower Body Program at the discounted rate of $157 USD.
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Have a Question About The Resilient Upper Body Program?
Ask us today and a Resilient Team member will help answer your question.