The Resilient Movement Blog

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The Keys To A Better Warmup For A More Effective Workout

assessment warmup Dec 10, 2024

The warmup is an essential part of any workout, but the traditional ways most coaches and programs recommend leave a lot to be desired.

While elevating the heart rate and warming the tissues are certainly beneficial, addressing other factors like reducing tension, creating space within joints, and repositioning structures for better mobility can elevate your resilience and workout performance.

A smart warmup also addresses your individual needs and goals, which are identified through a detailed assessment. 

Once limitations are identified, warmup drills can be selected to improve them individually.

Everyone has different limitations and needs, but a smart approach is to start your warmup on the ground and work up to the feet, which helps prime the nervous system for movement.

In today's video, I explain my process for building an effective warmup to get more from every workout.

You can also get free access to a 6-move warmup I designed called the Ultimate Resilient Warmup here. 



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