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The Best Kettlebell Exercise You Aren't Doing

hip mobility kettlebell exercises shoulder mobility thoracic rotation Jan 28, 2025

One of my favorite ways to improve someone's biomechanics for better movement and less pain is by using constraints to encourage better motion.

By constraining how the body can move we can automatically promote the motions that we want. 

Better yet, we don't have to queue the client much when the proper constraints are combined with with effective exercises. They're essentially self-correcting without much effort on the coach or the client.

And one of the best kettlebell exercises that does all of the above is the Offset Rack and Suitcase Carry.

This movement will naturally improve ankle, hip, thoracic, and shoulder mobility simply by walking and holding kettlebells in specific positions.

By holding a kettlebell in the suitcase position in the right hand it automatically forces the body to counterbalance and put more weight through the inside of the foot. In turn, this promotes pronation of the right foot and works up the chain to promote better hip internal rotation and extension on the right side.

By holding a kettlebell in the rack position on the left side, this opens up the left posterior rib cage, creating space between the scapula and the spine. This allows for better rotation into the left side as the right foot pronates out of the right side.

Just remember to keep the left elbow up and extended away from the torso, and walk at a fast enough rate to generate some momentum of the weight swinging in the right hand.

I find that most of my clients struggle to push out of their right side into their left, and have a compressed posterior left rib cage, so I normally only perform this carry with a right hand suitcase and a left hand rack.

Give it a shot and feel the power of constraints to improve motion and movement!




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